
How do you guarantee anonymity and confidentiality?
Three things guarantee your anonymity and confidentiality. The first is OUR AUTONOMY. We don't depend on the owners, management, security services...
Mon, 30 Aug, 2021 at 1:41 PM
Can someone identify me by the phone call?
The task of Ethicontrol is to help informants preserve their anonymity (upon request) not only from the company but also from any third parties in general, ...
Mon, 30 Aug, 2021 at 1:48 PM
Why I'm asked to provide my personal data?
Although the Ethicontrol system is designed to work effectively with anonymous informants, practice shows that personal contact can be more. For example...
Mon, 30 Aug, 2021 at 1:50 PM
What's included in anonymity and data protection?
1. Our independence from the management of your company. We do not collect or provide information about informants, which can be used to track or expose the...
Mon, 30 Aug, 2021 at 1:54 PM