Make sure 2FA is included into your tariff plan.

1. Go to your user profile

2. Click Two-step verification

3. Insert you mobile number

4. Confirm you number by entering a code from sms and click Verify

5. As soon as your phone is VERIFIED you can proceed to setting up a two-step verification. 

Click Setup two-step verification

6. Do as instructed on the dialog screen:

  • Download  a two-step verification app:
    iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad: Authy for iOS

    Android devices: Google Authenticator

  • Scan the QR code with your authenticator application.
  • Enter the code from your authenticator app
  • Click Enable two-step verification

7. You will see a confirmation ENABLED


Self-restoration of a second step is disabled according to our information security policy. 

If you loose your device or a second step app - please contact your administrator or Ethicontrol support for assistance.